“KICK IN THE DOOR” Perry collaboration with The Notorious B.I.G. for Johnny Depp’s movie ‘City of Lies’

Perry’s was involved in five songs for the Brad Furman-directed film, City Of Lies, featuring friend and band member Johnny Depp. These include score with his input and riffs, and new songs co-written with Alberto Bof.

One of the songs was “Kick In The Door)” by The Notorious B.I.G., remixed by Brad Furman and Alberto Bof, featuring Joe Perry and Colin Smith (additional vocals).

Perry recorded his parts in 2018 in between tour dates. Read more about Joe’s experience recording for the project.

2 thoughts on ““KICK IN THE DOOR” Perry collaboration with The Notorious B.I.G. for Johnny Depp’s movie ‘City of Lies’

  1. I remember seeing articles about Joe’s involvement on this project! Have the songs surfaced anywhere to hear? I’ve never seen any examples online.


    1. The main one, Kick in the door, was posted here, the others were smaller guitar collaborations to the film’s score that we could tell, and haven’t been released online, but you can try to find them in the movie while watching.


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